Participación de AUSIGETI en Trafic 2013

Participación de AUSIGETI en Trafic 2013

Between October 15 and 18, AUSIGETI participated in the International Road Safety and Road Equipment Exhibition organized and celebrated in Madrid by the Madrid Fair (IFEMA) organization, which had numerous booths of companies linked to the Sector and with some important technical sessions that extended from the inauguration on the 15th, until its closing on the 18th of October and that was inaugurated by the Director General of Traffic.

Our participation had two aspects. On the one hand we installed a Stand in it, in which information from our Association was provided during the duration of the event. On the other hand, AUSIGETI was responsible for all the presentations given on October 15 in the afternoon under the general title “The sustainability of the roads. Present and future challenges”, were in charge of the following speakers:

1.- Álvaro Navareño Technical Advisor of the General Subdirectorate of Conservation of the General Directorate of Roads of the Ministry of Development, whose dissertation dealt with the topic “Management technologies in road conversation”

2.- Secondly, Pablo Sáez, Managing Director of the Infrastructure Conservation and Exploitation Association (ACEX), spoke on “Systematic conservation synonymous with sustainability”

3.- Then Pedro de Aliseda from AUSIGETI spoke with the theme “Auscultation of signatures”

4.- The presentations ended with the joint intervention of Javier León and José Manuel Simón Talero of AUSIGETI, who spoke on the topic “Inspection of bridges and structures”.